Coordinator: Minister Maate Yubu
Project: WeRemnant JRaq Orphanage, Nursery and Primary School outside of the refugee camp in Muhokya
Update: The WeRemnant Nursery and Primary School is running well. Lessons and all the school activities have been done and there is a great improvement with all the children. There have been a few cases of rebels attacking different areas close to the school. It is starting to rain now which at times affects the lessons.
Accomplishments: We thank GOD for the completion of the wall raising and orphanage renovation which was achieved by repainting it. It has been not easy due to rainfall that had been disrupting the construction, but we are glad to reach its completion. The Gospel among learners is being spread and learners can now preach, pray, and sing. Teachers are completing their syllabus very well and pupils are excelling in their academics.
Testimonies: We testify the completion of the wall by the grace of GOD. There has been great improvement in academics by the pupils. Fellowships and Bible studies are being carried out at school by the pupils. Feeding has been so successful, and pupils are eating well.
Issues: We are facing the challenge of rebels that are trying to attack some individuals from different parts of the community, so we pray for GOD’s protection. We also need to enlarge the classrooms and continue with school construction so that pupils can have large classrooms and a big compound.
Follow up: All the school activities are being supervised and monitored well; teachers are performing well in their duties. Tests are conducted on students who are falling behind so we can catch them before it is too late.
Next 90 days: We are hoping for the purchase of land for the WeRemnant school, and also the construction of WeRemnant school. This will boost and support the education of the orphans. We will conduct academic assessment of teachers and to see how far they have gone with syllabus coverage.

Country Coordinator: Joy Dakosta
Project: Little Saints Orphanage
Update: I visited with the children at the orphanage. They received their provisions. They all seemed healthy.
Accomplishments: The children all seemed to be in good health.
Testimonies: The children are safe and growing, notwithstanding the conditions of the country.
Issues: Things in the country are extremely tough. The children are being cared for but there is a request for more to be done.
Next 90 days: Provision from the LORD for the kids and WeRemnant

Description of picture: Delivery of monthly provisions to the orphanage kids.
Consider where everyone in our newsletter would be if there was no effort provided. To all our donors, thank you for your love, support, prayers, and sacrifice on behalf of WeRemnant. Thank you for your care and sacrifice! The work that is being done by your partnership and support is blessed by our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. May GOD bless you in all you do! GOD is faithful.