Coordinator: Minister Maate Yubu
Project: WeRemnant JRaq Orphanage, Nursery and Primary School outside of the refugee camp in Muhokya
Update: Greetings in JESUS’ Name. The WeRemnant orphanage and school have been doing well. The month has been running well. We had a visitor from WeRemnant organization who came to visit the school and witnessed the purchasing of the farm. We were happy to receive her.
Joy Dakosta visited the refugee camp in Muhokya and met a young teen named Joy who was being bothered by the boys in the refugee camp.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: Our key successes are: the visit of Joy Dakosta from Nigeria to Uganda; the renovation of the WeRemnant nursery and primary school in progress; the purchasing of the WeRemnant farm; and the purchase of food and scholastic materials for children. The refugee child named Joy was taken out of the refugee camp and placed/adopted into the orphanage for her safety.
Issues: The purchase of the school land where we are going to set up school for the orphans and the construction of WeRemnant school after land purchase.
Follow up: All the school and orphanage activities are being supervised and followed up, such as the fencing of the farm and the school. All are being done very successfully.
Next 90 Days: We expect to purchase the school land, where the school will be constructed.
Coordinator: Lois Grant
Project: Nsalu Early Childhood Development (ECD)
Project Update: This month the children returned from the long holidays. We had a day of praise and worship with the families.
Next 90 days: We are trusting the LORD for financial support from our donors. We are looking to purchase land so we can have our own garden.
Coordinator: Bishop Caleb Wanjala
Project: Building Church-Schools, Providing Electricity in Remote Villages, and Digging Sustainable Wells in Remote Villages and Refugee Camps
Update: Greetings, we have successfully accomplished major issues, including repairs and maintenance of the classes. The total number of kids we are currently serving is 390.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: We found a way to make our learning easy by introducing new curriculum for the kids. School children, teachers and parents are all happy for the introduction of the new curriculum.
Follow up/90 Days: We are looking forward to seeing great success throughout the coming days.
Coordinator: Chantil Kolli
Project: WeRemnant Children’s Orphanage, Andhrapradesh, South India
Update: On Friday, September 20, WeRemnant officially dedicated an orphanage for children in Dalith, India. Presently the orphanage is located in the Tribal area. The orphanage houses many boys and girls whom we feed and shelter. They are currently housed in depleted shelters but with the assistance and support of the WeRemnant ministry we are excited and thankful to GOD for better care of the children.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: We were honored to meet the vice president of WeRemnant by Zoom for our opening. She prayed for the children and the children had the opportunity to ask her questions about JESUS.
Follow-up/Next 90 Days: We are now looking for qualified staff to teach and take care of the children since we now have financial support from WeRemnant. We need sleeping beds, transportation and electricity in the current space we have. We are looking forward to moving closer to the city so we can get better accommodation for the children.
Description of Pictures: Opening of orphanage
Description of Pictures (l-r): Food served to the children during the opening ceremony. Children learning during the day.