Coordinator: Minister Maate Yubu
Project: WeRemnant JRaq Orphanage, Nursery and Primary School outside of the refugee camp in Muhokya
Update: Greetings in JESUS’ Name! The month has been going well, except some of the orphans got sick and have been admitted to the hospital which has been costly. Also, heavy rainfall has killed people, leaving more children suffering.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: During the month, we had good feeding for the children, successful Bible studies and much improvement on children’s health, water availability and successful payment of teachers. We are testifying to the improvement of all WeRemnant school activities, such as teaching, Bible studies, and successful payment of teachers.
Issues: We are praying for the construction of a new toilet for children, as well as the building of a WeRemnant Jraq toilet. We need construction and purchasing of farmland where the school will be constructed. We have a small classroom, which leads to lack of ventilation.
Follow up: All the school activities are being followed up and there is much improvement in those activities.
Next 90 Days: (1) Purchasing of farmland where the children will be planting food. (2) Purchasing of land where the school will be constructed. (3) Construction of a new school toilet and WeRemnant Jraq house toilet.
Description of Pictures: The pictures above show the teachers receiving their upkeep, and learners receiving their food and enjoying their fruits with their teachers.
Coordinator: Lois Grant
Project: Nsalu Early Childhood Development (ECD)
Project Update: We started the second term at the ECD. We have 15 toddlers in nursery and 10 in reception.
Issues: We are trusting the LORD for financial support from our donors. We have been having challenges with paying the teachers at the ECD. This has caused us to have less toddlers coming through.
Next 90 days: We hope to open a WeRemnant farm where we will be growing crops to sell and use the finances to sustain the WeRemnant programs. We are hoping that the ECD center will be more self-sustained.
Description of Pictures (l-r): Kids at Nsalu ECD with toys, and porridge powder for the children’s breakfast.
Coordinator: Catherine Amoo
Project: JESUS Center Private School
Accomplishments/Testimonies: We had a pipe burst in the school and incurred unforeseen expenses for which we are still paying our water bill. We have survived lots of challenges in the school. We increased our school fees by 100 ND right across the board with the hope of increasing our teachers’ salaries.
Issues: We are still waiting for the allocation of our plot from the City Council. We are praying about this issue.
Follow up: We are still praying for the secondary school to be granted permission to start in 2025.
Next 90 days: We are believing GOD for the approval of our secondary school request.
Description of Pictures: Burst pipes in the school.
Coordinator: Bishop Caleb Wanjala
Project: Building Church-Schools, Providing Electricity in Remote Villages, and Digging Sustainable Wells in Remote Villages and Refugee Camps
Update: We have successfully repaired the wells that were not functional.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: We dug two new wells. These wells will successfully help over 2,000 locals who are completely reliant on the wells for fresh water. Thanks to WeRemnant for the project.
Issues: Due to the fall of the US dollar, we are encountering difficulties in adjusting the pay to our teacher and running other projects. Kenyan country coordinators are also using their salary for transportation, so if it delays, they fail to reach the schools and collect information.
Follow up/90 Days: It will be very impressive if we can manage to repair our school walls because we have experienced heavy downpours here for the last four months which in turn damaged our classrooms.
Description of Pictures: Students at our school in Kabula.
Coordinator: Joy Dakosta
Project: IBIAM Kids Orphanage
Project Update: We spent much time with the children, and they are doing well and have received the provisions.
Accomplishments: Despite all the difficulties of the economy, we were still able to deliver the food to the children. We are thankful to GOD for the safekeeping of the children.
Issues: Our concern is the state of the economy.
Description of Picture: Children at IBIAM receiving monthly provisions.