Coordinator: Minister Maate Yubu
Project: WeRemnant JRaq Orphanage, Nursery and Primary School outside of the refugee camp in Muhokya
Update: Greetings in JESUS’ Name, the school and orphanage has been moving on well, and the orphans have been well too along with the teachers. As far as academics are concerned, we are completing the syllabus, and children are performing well.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: The key successes at school and at the orphanage are the syllabus completion and academic improvement. The children are successfully participating in co-curriculum activities such as athletics, music, and other outside activities. Pupils have been healthy, and there were no serious cases of sickness at school. Feeding of children has been successful too. We appreciate WeRemnant for the great support for the children and teachers,especially for food and accommodations for children and teachers.
Issues: Pupils need bags or cases where they can keep clothes. The school has no toilet because it is broken, so we are in need of a new toilet. We are in need of the renovation of the WeRemnant school and the purchase of the WeRemnant farm where we can grow our own food
Follow up: All the activities have been followed up and completed successfully.
Next 90 days: Please pray with us to accomplish the following: The construction of a new toilet. Purchasing school farmland where we can grow our own food. Purchasing metallic cases for children to keep their clothes.

Description of Pictures (l-r): Pupils receiving their food and other requirements. Teachers receive their monthly paychecks. Children’s clothes with no place to keep them.
Country Coordinator: Lois Grant
Project: Nsalu Early Childhood Development (ECD)
Update: We started the second term at the ECD. We have 15 toddlers in nursery and 10 in reception.
Accomplishments/Testimonies: We are continuing with Bible studies with the guardians of the babies and toddlers. There is a huge desire from the guardians to get to know the LORD and have a close relationship with HIM. We had two women from the group bring their husbands to the last two Bible studies which we conducted.
Issues: We are trusting the LORD for financial support from our donors, as we haven’t been able to take any new recruits due to shortage of funds.
Next 90 days: : We hope to open a WeRemnant farm where we will be growing crops to sell. The finances will be used to sustain the WeRemnant programs. We are hoping that the early childhood center will be self-sustained.

Description of Pictures: Kids at Nsalu ECD. Feeding program at ECD. Our new baby recruit.
Coordinator: Catherine Amoo
Project: JESUS Center Private School
Project Update: We currently have 81 children enrolled. We have a new principal as the former one departed.
Accomplishments: Managed to increase teachers and staff salaries by faith, still trusting the LORD to provide financially. One girl who came to kindergarten at 3 years old was dumb, but the LORD healed her. Another one who is 7 years old suffers from autistic syndrome, but the LORD is healing him. Hallelujah!
Issues: We have applied to the education board for a secondary school.
Next 90 days: We are believing GOD for the approval of our secondary school request.

Description of picture: Tables purchased for the kindergarten and grade zero classes.
Country Coordinator: Bishop Caleb Wanjala
Project: Building Church-Schools, Providing Electricity in Remote Villages, and Digging Sustainable Wells in Remote Villages and Refugee Camps
Update: : Our schools are currently on a break; we are hoping to resume on Monday.
Accomplishments/ Testimonies: During the month, our teachers have been refreshing their courses to enable them to take good care of our kids when school resumes.
Issues: Due to the donor decrease, we have experienced some challenges in paying and maintaining the school activities. When the LORD intervenes and provides for WeRemnant, this will help us to run smoothly.
Follow up: Due to heavy rains, we are looking forward to renovate some of our classes so as to prevent further losses.

Description of Pictures: Students at our school in Kabula.
Country Coordinator: Bishop CJoy Dakosta
Project: BIBIAM Kids Orphanage
Project Update: We spent much time with the children, and they are doing well and have received the provisions.
Accomplishments/ Testimonies: Despite the difficulties of the economy, we were still able to arrive and deliver the food to the children. We are thankful to GOD for the safekeeping of the children.
Issues: Our concern is the state of the economy.

Description of Pictures: Children at IBIAM receiving monthly provisions.