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Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on Teach Me to War on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EST)
The Word of the LORD to the Body of CHRIST in America and beyond for 2024:
1. Get ready for revelation.
- The revealing of wolves in sheep’s clothing has begun. Judases will be revealed (Matthew 7:15). Those who are stains in our love feast will be revealed publicly and it will give the Church institution a bad name (Jude 12-13).
- The protection of the LORD upon HIS children requires us to be holy and separate. We must consecrate ourselves to the ONE who made us.
- Raise up prayer altars in your home and in your churches to stay inside HIM, for protection for our families and restoration for our nations.
- The LORD will begin revealing infiltration inside the Body more clearly. Don’t get swept up by the deception, the big names, the coverups, the “good thing” vs. the “GOD thing.” Don’t get carried away by news of “peace, peace” when GOD wants you to prepare for war. Ask the LORD for eyes to see in the HOLY SPIRIT.
- The LORD showed an open ancient gate. The LORD wants to reveal HIS secrets, hidden things, ancient wisdom, to us. The price for this is holiness. Don’t let your eyes be filled with entertainment when HE wants to fill it with revelation.
2. Get ready for the changing of the guard.
Psalm 75:6-7; Matthew 7:14; 1 Corinthians 16:9; Exodus 14:13-14
- In Joshua 1, the LORD tells Joshua that Moses, HIS servant, is dead. The KING is making room for new leadership in HIS KINGdom. The LORD will promote and demote as HE wills.
- There will be those who will be removed from their place because they have chosen another way, especially in areas where there have been multiple warnings, but no turning to HIM. Some will be demoted, others will fall ill, some will leave this earth.
- GOD is not allowing HIS glory to be given to another. There will be full exposure in broad daylight in the assembly.
“I am Adonai—that is My Name! My glory I will not give to another, Or My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8 TLV
3. Get ready for war.
- The beginning of the revealing of desolation has begun.
- The current war in Israel will expand all over the world.
- Israelites will be called back to their land and there will be a call all over the world for those who will return to Israel to take up arms to defend the land.
- American influence and military will be weakened in the eyes of the world.
- Prepare for another pandemic – what will make men fear. Remnant, do not fear; only prepare.
4. Beware of the great abomination.
- This warning is for the Church, HIS Bride; this warning is for every Christian.
- Beware of the idol that provokes jealousy standing at the gate of your heart.
- Beware, parents who do not train their children in the way of the LORD. Shaphan was one of the priests during King Josiah’s reign who discovered the hidden scrolls. He also worked with the prophet Jeremiah, protecting him from those who opposed the Word of the LORD. But his son ended up participating in occultic things.
- Beware, oh Bride of CHRIST. When the LORD comes to search you, may HE not find your heart longing for the ways of this world.
- Beware, oh Bride of CHRIST. Beware of the greatest abomination! There are those among us who have taken the Grace of the LORD for granted and prostituted themselves. They have turned their backs to the LORD to worship other gods – mixing JESUS and humanism, satanism, etc.
5. Beware of entertaining the doctrine of demons through mixture and deception.
- Be careful of what you entertain. Many are entertaining false doctrines that contain mixture. They contain an element of truth so that they look good and sound good, but the Truth has been twisted with man’s religion and the enemy’s perversion. These are being taught through men of perverse minds – they may be popular, they may be knowledgeable, but they are not of GOD. And the end leads to death. Genesis 2:8-3:15; 1 Timothy 4:1-5.
- Get rid of mixture in your life. Work together with the LORD to pull out the claws of every stubborn thing that has taken root in your life. Ask GOD for full exposure – that HE would demolish and remove the mixture, the evil, the false doctrines.
- Be careful of the end time deception. The LORD showed one who was in prayer something which was wrapping itself around the person in prayer, as if it was warm and comforting. But it was a snake, and the end leads to death (Matthew 24:24-25). Deception renders us powerless. Deception perverts our authority in CHRIST JESUS.
- Be careful to stay grounded in the revealed Truth of the WORD of GOD. For there are many who pervert the Word of GOD for their purposes (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). Even the enemy himself attempted to use the Word of GOD to tempt JESUS. Not everyone who proclaims the Word is from GOD. It is imperative to stay grounded in the revealed Truth of the Word of GOD.
“The unfolding of Your words gives light, giving understanding to the simple.” Psalms 119:130 TLV
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV
6. Lean into the LORD.
- The LORD is calling HIS people to a greater leaning and dependence on HIM. For those who do so, there will be open doors, exciting and productive times ahead.
- The LORD will seat many of HIS people at the table of HIS choosing. Get ready for positions and promotions you do not qualify for. The LORD who owns all things is qualifying you.
- Voices of resistance will arise, but as time goes on those voices will either get fainter and fainter or not be heard any longer.
- Also, for WeRemnant, there will be redefining or refocusing and/or refining.
7. The LORD showed something very profound and controversial for 2024.
To share it accurately yet preserve its meaning only for those that need to hear it, I share it as a parable.
Read 2 Chronicles 22:9-12, 2 Chronicles 23, 2 Kings 11 to fully understand the parable.
Here is my parable.
Oh America, the world will say to you, “The king is dead, he did not live long.” In his place, a queen, the queen-mother, will arise to take his place. She will pursue and destroy your children. But there will be a Remnant who will hide in the house of the LORD until their revealing, and they shall possess the gates.
During the reign of the queen-mother, persecution for the Body of CHRIST will be hotter than ever before. Like corn in a lightly greased pan produces popcorn, so also the sleeping Body shall pop awake, revealing its true potential. The persecution is a setup by GOD to ensure that we wake up in the place of holiness, devotion, separation unto HIM, and prayer.
Until the season of the queen-mother’s reign is cut short by the Remnant, those attempting to resist outside of the Remnant will not be successful.
8. For the nations:
“So Judah and Israel lived securely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.” 1 Kings 5:5
The time is coming, Nigeria. Behold, the set time is now, when every man will live securely, and there will be provision from the LORD. In Hebraic times, the vine and fig tree symbolized when things were good, your property would be abundant with vines and figs. It was a phrase indicating solid food security! (Deuteronomy 8:7-10).
- An altar of perversion has been raised in your nation by your leaders. This altar is made up of perverse sexual acts with children. You are already seeing the results of this national demonic altar as your little ones give themselves to alcohol in the streets.
- Repent for the sake of your children – for the sake of your future.
- Raise up in prayer, fasting, and obedience unto KING JESUS so that HE can overturn these altars and give you relief from pharaoh.
*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.
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