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Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)
After waking up and having my morning prayer and meditation, the SPIRIT of the LORD impressed the following question upon my spirit: “What is remnant culture?”
This was an interesting question that the LORD asked. It caused me to pause and reflect on what the LORD requires of us to be called HIS Remnant.
Whenever the LORD challenges, rebukes or exhorts us, there is always additional Impartation that comes in the form of confirmation, comfort and commitment in HIS written WORD.
The LORD brought me to HIS WORD in Romans 11:4-6 The Apostle Paul reflects on a particular encounter the prophet Elijah had with the MOST HIGH GOD:
“But what does the divine response say to him? ‘I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.’ 5 Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work.” Romans 11:4-6
As we recall, Paul was reminding us of a point in the life of Elijah where he thought he was alone in standing solely for the LORD and not giving into the deceit of Jezebel and the baals. The LORD informed Elijah that HE reserved 7,000 that not kissed baal.
This brings me to my first perspective of remnant culture: You have been reserved. Paul elaborates this truth from a new covenant perspective when he defined how the LORD reserves HIS people – by the election of HIS grace.
Remnant culture is about being reserved and chosen by the LORD JESUS CHRIST to be part of HIS collective. HE will only reserve those that are special to HIM. It is because of grace you are reserved.
The second aspect of remnant culture is the very reason why the Remnant was being reserved. It is found in a small statement in the second part of the following verse.
“…all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.” 1 Kings 19:18
Being a holy people before JEHOVAH GOD requires rejection of all things unholy! The Scripture uses “BOW” and “KISS” to illustrate how a person can get defiled by something unholy. Bowing is an act that illustrates respect and lordship to the person being honored, while a kiss is a personal act that communicates affection and care above a general greeting.
Remnant culture is about standing alone in reverence and love while crowning JESUS CHRIST as LORD of your life above any cost. There was a significant demonic pull on the children of Israel to rebel against JEHOVAH as a result of the bewitching of Jezebel and her assistants, King Ahab and the prophets of baal. The Remnant repelled the attacks of baal and stood in the minority in a ready position.

The final aspect the LORD gave me concerning remnant culture is that, in their place of reservation, there was a readiness that was in the seven thousand. The Bible says that the reserved ones were in Israel. The 7,000 were clearly aware what was happening regarding the slaughter of the prophets of Israel, the defilement of the Temple, and the elevation of the high places reserved for baal. The Remnant reserved of the LORD had to understand the ramifications of what would happen to Israel as a result of their sin. They knew the LAW and the ramifications of disobedience. They were armed with the power of correction through the WORD of GOD to go on the offensive when the LORD would call for them.
The culture of the Remnant of GOD is a readiness beyond understanding to go on the offensive for GOD – to be ready to war in the spirit for the purposes of the KINGDOM, either in a covert or overt manner, because there is an understanding of the destruction that will come due to the iniquity of the people.
Today, GOD has reserved a people that will carry “remnant culture” to their perspective homes, churches, cities, and nations. HE has called HIS Remnant to be on one accord to carry the culture and grace of GOD. HE has reserved HIS Remnant to preach good tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to open spiritual prisons to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.
*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.
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