WeRemnant strategically provides a holistic approach to evangelism, discipleship,
and KINGDOM building.GOD is building communities and cares about the quality of life for each person.

WEREMNANT IS a missionary organization committed to sharing the LOVE of JESUS CHRIST in unconventional ways that people can tangibly touch and feel. We are the Hands and Feet of JESUS.

We the Remnant of JESUS CHRIST

The world we live in is broken, and children are often the most vulnerable during wars, droughts, and natural disasters. WeRemnant coordinators and partners have found many of these children hiding in forests, graveyards, and caves—places where they seek refuge but are left defenseless. Without our intervention, these children become easy prey for predators, both human and animal. They are at risk of attacks,kidnapping, and, tragically, exploitation.
According to the International Labour Organization and the Walk Free Foundation, 25% of children—over 10 million—are trapped in modern-day slavery. But there is hope. We, the Remnant of KING JESUS CHRIST, are part of the solution.
WeRemnant purchased 3.5 acres of farmland in Uganda, the first of three countries where WeRemnant has projects. Watch this video for more details.

At WeRemnant, we build:

• Church-Schools: To teach the WORD of GOD and provide quality education, from elementary through high school.
• Orphanages: To give a safe home and family to children who have lost everything, providing a nurturing environment where they can grow and learn.
• Clean Water Wells: To offer life-sustaining water to communities in desperate need.
We also supply food, clean water, educational materials, and medical care, all essential for these children to survive and thrive.


Monthly reports on what's happening in the mission field.