‘I will punish her for offering incense on the feast days of the ba‘alim, when she decked herself with her earrings and jewels, pursuing her lovers and forgetting me,’ says Adonai. ‘But now I am going to woo her — I will bring her out to the desert and I will speak to her heart. Iwill give her her vineyards from there and the Akhor Valley as a gateway to hope. She will respond there as she did when young, as she did when she came up from Egypt.’” Hosea 2:15-17 CJB
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Join us Monday Nights for Bible Study on the Blood on Zoom
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (EDT)
There is a musician named Jonathan Ogden who did a worship set called JESUS My Beloved on Prayer Storm TV. It is breathtaking. The part that focuses me on the LOVER of all lovers, is when Jonathan sings “JESUS, my Beloved. I am YOURS and YOU are mine, sweet as honey better than wine. Keep me faithful, keep me true, bind my heart to only YOU.”
In Hosea 2:15-17, ADONAI is not denying the fact that Israel has been unfaithful. She has worshiped other gods, bowed her heart to another, to the point where she burned incense, burned her own children in the fires of molech, offering aromas to these demonic spirits (ba’als). To translate into the physical realm what was happening in the spirit realm, Israel had cheated on her HUSBAND (the LORD GOD). She had stepped out on their marriage and was prostituting with multiple men all at the same time, but not getting paid. In fact, she was paying them with the money her husband gave her. GOD uses this metaphor throughout Scripture to describe HIS displeasure and heart break. (See all of Hosea 2 and Jeremiah 2:23-5:19.)
In disgust, the perfect husband would divorce the unfaithful wife forever, moving on to greener pastures. Not CHRIST. HIS Heart would not allow HIM to turn HIS back on the one HE loves forever. HIS Holy and Righteous Eyes could not bear to see Israel receive the just reward for her sins. HE couldn’t separate HIMSELF from the one HE loved.
So, the LOVER of all lovers swung into action.
ELOHIM ADONAI chose to remind the ones HE loved (Israel) that HE was worth loving. HE wooed her [allured her, swept her off her feet]. The unfaithful one was taken on the most expensive, exclusive romantic date. She was led into the wilderness [a place of quiet, separation, alone time, one-on-one time]. No distractions.
ADONAI took her away so HE could speak [converse, come let us reason together] to her. Then HE gave her the Valley of Akhor [a place a blood redemption] as her gateway [access, entrance] into hope. Wow!
The Valley of Akhor is very interesting. This is a place right outside of Jericho where Achan, his family, and all he owned were stoned to death in Joshua 7. How is this a place of hope? When Achan brought the accursed thing into the camp of Israel, GOD left them. HOLY and profane cannot walk together. This caused them to be defeated before their enemies at Ai. Thousands of people died because one person disobeyed GOD. Nevertheless, when Joshua enquired of the LORD as to why they were defeated, Achan was pointed out, and was removed, byblood, from the camp. From that point forward, the entire nation experiencedvictory in battle because GOD came back to the camp.
In every generation, blood is required to cleanse sin. Remember Genesis 2:15-17, Ezekiel 18:20, Leviticus 17:11.
The LOVER of all lovers is my LOVER.
Today, you and I are spiritual Israel. When we were unlovable, enemies of GOD, sacrificing and giving our hearts to other gods, other pursuits, not even paying attention to GOD, HE reached out HIS Hand to us. HE didn’t have to do it. But HE couldn’t stand aside and watch us suffer and die. HIS LOVE for me was stronger than my spiritual prostitution. HE wooed me. HE got my attention, HE spoke to me, and gave me my vineyard (my place) in the Valley of Akhor. HE gave me my portion of JESUS CHRIST and HIS BLOOD to redeem me. BLOOD is necessary for redemption in every generation. This gave me access to eternal life, access to relationship here on earth with the GOD of all heaven and earth.
The love language of JESUS to me today is attention, so HE could give me redemption.
*All Scriptures are in the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.
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